
I believe in the word, in people and in love and respect!

22 feb. 2012

The Best Things in Life
  1. Falling in love. 
  2. Laughing so hard your face hurts. 
  3. Friends. 
  4. Laughing at an inside joke. 
  5. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful. 
  6. Laughing at yourself. 
  7. Hugging the person you love. 
  8. Road trips with friends. 
  9. A good conversation. 
  10. Making new friends or spending time with old ones. 
  11. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep. 
  12. Winning a really competitive game. 
  13. Running through sprinklers. 
  14. Going to a really good concert. 
  15. Watching the sunrise. 
  16. Hearing your favorite song on the radio. 
  17. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside. 
  18. A hot shower. 
  19. The ocean. 
  20. Discovering that love is unconditional and stronger than time. 

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